
6 Design Choices for Safe Food Production  

This episode shares key design choices that enhance food safety and production efficiency.

The episode is packed with practical advice from best practices to future trends. Our guest today is Nate Harrison, founder of Phoenix Innovations, a poultry industry expert with over 20 years of experience

”The question we need to be asking is, 'Why do we need all of these things?' […] Simplifying the design isn't about cutting corners—it's about focusing on what truly matters: safety, efficiency, and reliability."

Nate HarrissonPresident at Phoenix Innovations

Are you sure your food processing equipment is up to par?

In this episode of Behind Clean Lines, we chat with Nate Harrison from Phoenix Innovations, a poultry industry expert with over 20 years of experience. He shares key design choices that can enhance the safety and efficiency of your food production machinery.

Discover the importance of high-grade stainless steel, proper slopes, and easy cleaning access to combat bacteria. Nate weighs in on essential inspection points and the potential pitfalls of hidden tubing in your equipment design.

From best practices to future trends like automation and sustainable materials, this episode is packed with practical advice to elevate your food safety standards.

Tune in and make sure your design choices meet the demands of modern food safety.

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