
Join us in a WinWin Expo Alliance at Food Tech Expo in Warsaw

We invite you to participate in a mutually beneficial partnership at the Food Tech Expo in Warsaw and gain additional benefits throughout the exhibition.

If we team up in a WinWin co-operation during the Food Tech Expo, we can showcase your company logo at our booth and in our video, which will be projected on the wall! This will result in cross-promotion, effectively showcasing each other's offerings to a broader audience and boosting brand visibility.

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An example of how your logo can be co-branding at OUR booth.

Our booth features a screen on one of the walls, where we present our products and solutions, and your company logo with booth number can also be shown to solidify our WinWin Expo partnership.

Examples showcasing how the rebranding of our products could be presented at YOUR booth.

Sample of a label (55x55 mm) containing identification on your machinery.

Examples showcasing how the rebranding of our products could be presented at YOUR booth - we offer both labels, roll-ups, signs, leaflets. We can discuss options and preferences!

Certified Hygienic Leveling foot with WinWin label

Certified Hygienic Bearing house with WinWin label

Synchronous oil-free drum motor with WinWin label

Hygienic optimized casters with WinWin label

Hygienic CIP Unit with WinWin label

Certified Hygienic Accessories with WinWin label

Fully-threaded leveling feet in stainless steel with WinWin label

Besides labeling, we can offer a small A6 leaflet which you can hand out if you get any inquiries at your booth!

Download the flyer here

Join us in a WinWin Expo Alliance at Food Tech Expo in Warsaw and ensure more brand visibility during the show! You get:


  • Enhanced Product Quality by having cutting-edge components in your machines


  • Mutual Promotion, cross-promote each other's products and services, reaching a wider audience and increasing brand visibility.


  • Shared Expertise: Collaboration between you as a machine builder and NGI as a component supplier can foster knowledge exchange and innovation, leading to better solutions and products.


  • Possibility to get components free of charge to your equipment, if we form a WinWin Expo Alliance!


Overall, joining a WinWin alliance with us benefits both parties! This can create synergies, leading to improved products, reduced costs, and increased competitiveness in the market.

Why choose a certified component?

  • Minimize cleaning time
  • Minimized water usage and use of cleaning detergents
  • Minimize downtime
  • Enhance food safety
  • Reduced operating and maintenance costs
  • Minimizing risks of cross-contamination
  • Enhance safety in your production environment
  • Make sure you comply with strict hygiene and environmental demands
  • Enhance your competitive performance
  • Reduced energy consumption


Go to our Certified Hygienic Products

Join us in a WinWin Expo Alliance

What's your role in the hygienic chain and food safety? If you're participating in #FoodTechExpo in Warsaw, please let us know!


If we team up in a WinWin co-operation during the Food Tech Expo, we can showcase your company logo at our booth and in our video projected on the wall!


Contact us to learn more about possibilities and what your company can gain with this WinWin alliance!



Learn more about Warsaw Food Tech

Juliusz Owad
Juliusz Owad


+45 96 32 75 51

+45 30 73 79 60


Oleksandr Gerasymovych
Oleksandr Gerasymovych
Business Team Manager & Sales


+45 96 32 75 79

+45 30 95 81 93
