Heinen Freezing in Germany
The German machine builder Heinen Freezing explains in the above video why they have chosen to use NGI bearing houses on their machines
Each component on a food processing machine can have an influence on your competitiveness, especially if you are supplying to the food processing industry. A hygienically optimized machine will end up giving you more satisfied customers as they will save money in the long run.
Heinen Freezing compared NGI bearing houses with others on the market and found out that it is very smooth on the surface so there are no areas where the dirt can be hiding! Jochen Hottinger, Managing Director with Heinen Freezing concluded that NGI bearing houses are "...smart, intelligent components, hygienic components with a good performance price-value".
Choosing a triple-certified hygienic component ensures that the foundation of your production equipment complies with the strictest demands for hygiene, environmental impact, and durability.