A Message from our CEO
Our founder, Knud Nygaard, strongly believed that prioritizing the well-being of his employees and building strong relations based on mutual trust and loyalty is a fundamental part of running a successful business.
Jan Nygaard (photo), the son of the founder, confirms that this admirable mindset still guides how we do business today - 50 years later. We want to provide our employees with a safe, informal, and diverse workspace that they are proud to be a part of - they are not just employees but a part of the family and constitute NGIs DNA.
Throughout the years, our scope for social accountability has grown. We are taking more initiatives to support a sustainable future and protect the next generation - we still have a long way to go, however,
we are currently taking iniatives within the following areas:
The Co2 footprint of our products.
Taking initiatives to lower this across the value chain e.g. working with our purchase of materials and logistics to drive down our Co2 footprint.
Innovation of our products.
When innovating new products, they must be designed to be more sustainable and recyclable than what the market offers today.
Renewable energy.
Our goal is to harness from the Danish focus on renewable energy, therefore, all production-related electricity is powered by wind energy as of 2021.
Waste products.
We are working with the optimization of waste products so that as much as possible is recycled or incinarated
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